June 5th - 26th, 2022

What is this unit about?

Sin has broken our relationship with our holy God; however, God’s grace freely offers redemption and renewal. In 1 Samuel and 1 Kings, King Saul, King David, and King Solomon experienced the division sin brings and the unity forgiveness offers.

When God’s people wanted a king to be like the nations around them, God warned them but gave them what they wanted. King Saul seemed to be the ideal king, but he proved not to be the king the people needed. When Saul sinned against God, God judged him and promised to remove him as king.

Why is this important for our kids?

We don’t mind justice when we’ve been wronged, but judgement when we have wronged others is unpleasant. When God brings judgement on those who have sinned, does this mean God doesn’t love us anymore? On the contrary, it is because God loves us that he judges sin. An unloving God would be permissive and dismissive of our actions, thoughts and words. God is good to judge sin.

It is important for kids to build an accurate picture of God’s character, including being JUST. This helps kids realise their sin grieves God and separates us from Him. It is in this context that the cross becomes more amazing! That Jesus took the punishment for our sin makes a big deal of Jesus and the cross - this is what we want for the kids of HBC.

Big Picture Question

Why does sin separate us from God?
Because God is holy, sin has broken our relationship with God.

Key Passage/Memory Verse

“How terrible it is for me!” I cried out. “I’m about to be destroyed! My mouth speaks sinful words. And I live among people who speak sinful words. Now I have seen the King with my own eyes. He is the Lord who rules over all.” Isaiah 6:5
