Check out all the details for Youth Weekend Away in the Event Below


Let Us Introduce Ourselves

HBC Youth is a fun, inclusive community where kids and young adults (from years 6-12) can hang out and just be themselves. Youth provides a safe network of friends and experienced leaders who can be a great support through the ups and downs of life.

At Youth we are all about Jesus — the Jesus revealed to us in the pages of God’s written Word, the Bible. Each week we hear great talks about following Jesus, have loads of fun, and form real friendships.

Youth could be just what you, or someone you know, needs to get through those tough high school years. Why not come join us one Friday night to check us out!

Hear from Pete Munday our Youth Pastor about growing our youth to know and love Jesus.


What Are You Doing Friday?

We meet together every Friday night of school term from 7pm–9pm
at 10 Reserved Rd, Garden Suburb.

Join us for a whole lot of fun, hanging out, and digging into the Bible. We’d love for you to join us!

FREE for anyone new and checking things out. $18 per term for our Youth regulars. You can pay here.

What’s on in Term 1?


Youth Stories


Going Deeper Groups

Going Deeper Groups meet throughout the week to go deeper into the Bible. Juniors meet on Sundays after the talks at each Hunter Bible Church congregation, and seniors GDG's meet throughout the week! Seniors GDG Signup Form


Bible Daily

An awesome resource that is available each week of Youth is Bible Daily! They each have a week’s worth of bible readings, questions, and prayer suggestions - enough to get you from each week of Youth to the next.


Connect with us

Instagram @youth.hbc | Facebook @youth.hbc | Email