Try Connect

If you’re new or you’ve been around church for a while but haven’t yet connected into the community here, The Connect Series is for you!

We want to be upfront about what we are like as a church, what drives us, and where we see God taking us. That’s why we run the Connect Series.

The Connect Series is how you can find out more about Hunter Bible Church, what we believe and where we’re going. It’s an opportunity to get to know other people around church, meet some of the pastors including our senior pastor Greg, and hear what we are passionate about as a church.

We run the Connect Series regularly and in lots of different formats throughout the year. See below and sign up to a series that suits you or get in touch to chat to someone about it.


What to Expect


Arrive, grab a cuppa, and spend time meeting some other people from your congregation. Then our host will invite you to sit at a table and continue your discussions.


We will interview one of our pastors so you get to know some of our pastoral team. Then you will hear a short 25 minute talk. This is designed to outline what is God’s desire for us so that you can see we are on the same page.

We will look at what the bible says about God’s passions and purposes, why Jesus is central to our church, who God wants us to be as his people, what he is doing in our lives and how we can serve him.

Then we will give you the opportunity to discuss at your tables what this means for our lives. We will finish with a Q&A, where you can ask any questions you might have.


Our desire is that you will see God’s agenda for our church, and this will help you reach the point where you can decide if you wish to join us.


Sign up

Choose an option from an upcoming Connect Series

Connect Series

Wednesday 3-week intensive
Wednesday 7th August, Wednesday 14th August & Wednesday 21st August 2024
HBC Garden Suburb, 10 Reserve Road, Garden Suburb

Sunday 3-week intensive
Sunday 8th September, Sunday 15th September & Sunday 22nd September 2024
12pm – 2pm
HBC Garden Suburb, 10 Reserve Road, Garden Suburb