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Food. Friends. Bible.
AllNations is international students learning about Jesus at Unichurch. Our big hope is that students from all nations will partner with Unichurch in living for Jesus.
We love studying the Bible together to learn about Jesus and what he’s done. We do this on Sundays at Unichurch and in our weekly gatherings. We enjoy food, fun and friendship, and we aim to tailor things to any English level.
We’d love to meet you! Get in touch to connect with our community.
Connect with us
Instagram @allnations.hbc | Facebook @allnations.hbc | Email allnations@hunterbiblechurch.org

Meet other people, make friends, explore from the Bible what life is all about.
If you’re studying abroad in Newcastle and want to connect with others, we’d love to welcome you at AllNations Gather! For any English level.
Gather is our weekly group that meets at 6pm every Tuesday night during semester at 259 King St, Newcastle. It’s a lot of fun, there’s always great food and great people to meet, and you get to dig into the Bible.