When I was teaching as a primary school teacher I was looking for an age-appropriate kids Bible that was faithful to scripture. I taught in a Christian school where we had frequent time for bible devotions. I had used the Jesus Storybook Bible which is great for younger kids, the kids in my class were older primary. It was at this point that I stumbled across this book - One Big Story Bible Storybook.

It is suitable for kids who are ready to read on their own, but not quite up to reading whole books and chapters independently in the Bible. It has a clear and consistent format showing the scripture reference, with each story fitting on a double-page spread. It features a comprehensive overview of the different books in the bible, even most of the minor prophets. What set this bible apart from others I investigated is the “Christ Connection” included with each story, helping readers see that the bible really is one big story all about Jesus. The Big Picture questions and answers are also helpful for any adult reading along to encourage understanding beyond comprehension. There is a lot of cross-over with The Gospel Project for Kids, the new curriculum now being used at HBC:Kids.

After using the One Big Story Bible Storybook with my class, the appropriate detail for this age prompted an increase in questions about God as students sought to understand God’s Word comprehensively rather than a collection of individual stories. They really did start seeing the One Big Story of the bible. I even found myself looking for the ‘Christ Connection’ in my own bible reading, making for a richer experience for me too.

I’d recommend this book for children who are ready for something "next level ", but not quite ready for reading whole chapters and books of the Bible. It is also helpful for adults wanting to up-skill their own knowledge of how some of the more obscure Old Testament passages point to Jesus and/or how to explain this to kids.

- Fiona Thomson
