Oct 2nd - 23rd, 2022

What is this unit about?

As God’s people continued to rebel against Him, God continued to pursue them. God warned the people through the prophets who pleaded with them to turn from idolatry and turn back to God. God was ready to accept their repentance. But should they continue in their sin, God was ready to judge their rebellion.

Why is this important for our kids?

It is easy for kids to reduce sin down to ‘the wrong things they do’, ignoring the righteous anger God feels at us when we turn our backs on Him. While God will not let sin go unpunished, He also loves us to the point of pouring out His judgement on His son Jesus. Jesus wants to change our hearts. When we trust in Jesus, He gives us new hearts that want to live for Him.

A helpful definition of sin we use in Kids Church is:

Sin is the bad we think and say and do.
Sin in the good we don’t think and say and do.
Sin is when we turn our backs on God and think we know better.

Big Picture Question

Repentance is turning away from sin and turning to Jesus.

Key Passage/Memory Verse

So turn away from your sins. Turn to God. Then your sins will be wiped away.
The time will come when the Lord will make everything new. He will send the Messiah.
Jesus has been appointed as the Messiah for you. Acts 3:19-20

Sing-Along Videos for this Unit

Join along at home using these songs with actions and lyrics. We’ll be singing these songs each week as we are reminded that although we do sin by making other things more important than God, He does change little by little to love Him more.
