Bible Reference:

1 Samuel 16:1-23

Lesson Aim:

Introduce David to children, whom God chose as the next king. God was with David. God was no longer with Saul because he had disobeyed him. 

Main Message:

God chose a new king. His name was David and God was with him. 

Lesson Options


Helping It Stick

Choose from these activities to enjoy with your kids to help repeat and consolidate the Main Message from this part of the bible.



  • Man Looks on the Outside

  • Reverse Musical Statues 

    • Children dance when there is no music, and are still when the music starts (Might work better if you play a round of regular first)

    • Talk about how David would play music for Saul when the evil spirit came over him. When there was music he was calm.


  • Heart Shaped Food
    Use a heart shaped cookie cutter for biscuits, bread/sandwiches, or carefully cut watermelon, strawberries, bananas or other fruit.

  • Heart Shaped Play
    Create heart shapes using playdough, or rice, or a flour/water mixture

  • What’s in The Bag?

    Place a few small objects or household items in a bag that would be hard to guess what they are by feeling the outside. Make sure the bag is non-see-through. Pass the bag around for kids to feel and try to guess what’s inside. Tell them to keep their guesses in their head. Then share guesses together.

    • Can you see through this bag from the outside? (No)

    • If this bag was my body, could you be able to see through and look at my heart? (No)

    • Who can see through inside to our hearts? (God)

    • What is more important, how we look on the outside or what is in our hearts? Why? (Our hearts matter to God.)

  • Create a Heart
    Give kids 3 minutes to make as many hearts as possible. Using body, lego, paper, clothes, toys etc make the shape of a heart. Photograph each heart and see who can make the most. Make a PicCollage from the photos and post to the Community FB page.