With Church no longer meeting physically, our Sunday Kids Programs can also no longer meet in person. However, we are convicted that our children should continue to grow in their love and knowledge of Christ. As a result, our kids team leaders have prepared lessons for you to deliver to your children, in your own home. The goal is to help you keep growing your children as well as keeping some continuity of Kids Church remaining on Sunday. We recommend using these materials just before Church online.

Home Kids Church is a really exciting opportunity for the Church to change the way we have traditionally run our Kids programs and an awesome space for creativity. If there are things that work well or could be improved, please let us know at kids@hunterbiblechurch.org.

How do I use the Home Kids Church resources?

At HBC:Home Kids Church you’ll find lessons prepared by our kids team leaders. Each week will have the Bible Passage, Lesson Aim and Main Message for all the kids across all ages. HBC:Kids leaders have then written resources with TWO main components:

  1. Lesson/Bible Story (two R.A.P. options for different age groups)

    • READ

    • ASK

    • PRAY

  2. Activities to “Help It Stick”

Our prayer is that you would use these lessons or adapt them to be teaching and loving your children just as they would be if we were meeting physically. Feel free to use these lessons word-for-word or adapt them as you like. We understand that you may have children ranging ages and so it may be best to mix and match from the lessons depending on what would work best for you.

It would be super encouraging to snap some pictures/videos of the crafts or games and share them with your Church family and kids leaders. Although we are no longer meeting physically, we are still one Church family and can be united in purpose and strategy.
