Bible Reference:

Matthew 6:9-10

Lesson Aim:

To explain the first half of the Lord’s Prayer to the children, and see applications for their own prayers.

Main Message:

Jesus teaches us how he wants us to pray. God deserves our praise and we should honour him when we talk to him. We can trust in God’s plans as we wait for his return.

Lesson Options


Helping It Stick

Choose from these activities to enjoy with your kids to help repeat and consolidate the Main Message from this part of the bible.


  • Make Prayer Chains: Cut strips of the coloured paper. Get kids to write a small prayer on them [example below]. Then make a chain with the written prayers, the link is a step by step on how to make a paper chain: Projects for Preschool

    • Example: 

      • Thanks for Hub kids church

      • Thanks that we can talk to God

      • Thanks that God is our king

      • God is good

  • Prayer Hands: To make the craft, trace both hands and cut them out.

    • Write a prayer on hands

    • Get a A4 paper and fold back and forth to create a zig zag spring effect

    • Stick hands on to each end of paper

    • Using a paddle pop stick, old pencil or twig from outside attach to the hands to act as an arm with glue or tape

Screen Shot 2020-10-07 at 11.34.16 pm.png


  • Memory Verse Jumble - Print out the verses in a larger print and cut out each word and shuffle them up. Can the kids put it back in order? (Cut the words i half for a harder challenge)



Sing Along:

Kids Church Music: All four recordings by the Kids Mag Team have been collated onto the one webpage, cycle through them and enjoy over and over!

Click Here for the HBC Kids Music Videos
