Bible Reference:

Psalm 23

Lesson Aim:

To help children understand that we can trust in God in all situations

Main Message:

We know we can trust in God no matter what happens because he cares for us and guides us.

Lesson Options


Helping It Stick

Choose from these activities to enjoy with your kids to help repeat and consolidate the Main Message from this part of the bible.

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Make a paper sheep: Follow these instructions from or for ideas to create your own paper plate or cupcake liner sheep. Discuss different ways we can trust in God each day.

Handprint sheep craft: Find all the instructions from After making the craft, pray and thank God for love and care for us.

Let’s Draw: Take out pencils, crayons and paper. Try and draw Psalm 23. Don't miss any of the details!


Discover the wolf: One person is the shepherd and has to go out of the room, so that he can't see or hear anything. While the shepherd is out of the room, choose one of the children to be the wolf. The rest are sheep. Once the wolf has been chosen, the shepherd comes back into the room. The wolf then ‘kills’ the sheep by winking at them – if the wolf winks at a sheep, it falls down dead. The aim of the game is for the shepherd to try and work out who the wolf is. The shepherd gets three guesses. 

Lost and found: Find the lost sheep have 10 to 15 cutouts of sheep on the table in different colours. Choose a child to be the shepherd. They have to look at the sheep and then walk away. When they are away, take one sheep away from the pile. The child has to come back and guess what sheep has been taken.



Sing Along:

Good Shepherd  with · Dan Warlow · Colin Buchana

Kids Church Music: All four recordings by the Kids Mag Team have been collated onto the one webpage, cycle through them and enjoy over and over!

Click Here for the HBC Kids Music Videos
