Bible Reference:

Matthew 6:11-13

Lesson Aim:

To explain the second half of the Lord’s Prayer to the children, and see applications for their own prayers.

Main Message:

When we pray, we can ask God to provide us the food, forgive us, help us forgive others, and keep us safe from the evil one.

Lesson Options


Helping It Stick

Choose from these activities to enjoy with your kids to help repeat and consolidate the Main Message from this part of the bible.

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Prayer Cross: Make a prayer cross by following these instructions from Easy Breazy Sunday School to create your own.

Prayer Cube: Create a cube using the template provided. On each side of the cube draw and/or write something to pray for. Roll the dice and pray for whatever lands face up. 




Sing along:

Father You Are All We Need - Citizens and Saints

All Glory Be To Christ - Kings Kaleidoscope

Kids Church Music: All four recordings by the Kids Mag Team have been collated onto the one webpage, cycle through them and enjoy over and over!

Click Here for the HBC Kids Music Videos

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Provide a Helping Hand: One way God may provide for our needs is by using other people. Have a think of people you know who may need a helping hand. Could you make them a meal, help them water or weed the garden, walk their dog? There are lots of different ways that we can help other people out. 

Write a Letter/Card or send an Email: At the moment people are spread out across Australia and the world and may be feeling lonely. They may be missing family and friends who they haven’t been able to physically see in a while. Is there someone that you are missing and haven’t seen in a while? Put a smile on their face by sending them a letter, card or email. 
