Bible Reference:

1 Kings 9:1-9, 11:1-13

Lesson Aim:

To tell the children about King Solomon, a king who knew he should obey God (David and God himself spoke to him), and to explain that Solomon disobeyed God. To help the children understand we all disobey God, except Jesus. But through his death and resurrection, we are forgiven and can now obey!

Main Message:

King Solomon knew he should obey God and never marry a woman who wasn’t an Israelite and never worship a made-up god. King Solomon disobeyed God; he married women from other countries and he worshipped made up gods. They made King Solomon turn away from God.


For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength. 1 Corinthians 1:25

Lesson Options


Helping It Stick

Choose from these activities to enjoy with your kids to help repeat and consolidate the Main Message from this part of the bible.


Solomon’s Sin: This craft is helpful in showing how turning away from God is rarely an isolated decision, rather the last step that started with loving something/someone more than God. Check out the steps to recreate at the blog for Childrens Bible Lessons

Keys of Obedience: Create a set of keys with some tips to help kids to be obedient to God. Attach a keyring with a bible verse on it that reminds you to be obedient to God. Need help creating a key? Check out for templates you can print at home.


Kids Church Music: Jesse and Josh from the HBC Kids Mag Team have put together a set of 4 songs for younger kids to enjoy, just like old times but in your lounge room!
Click here to sing and dance with Jesse and Josh.

Songs for older kids: Instead of disobedience leading to guilt/shame/secrets, show kids we have a merciful Father who has forgiven us in Jesus. Lead them to the cross instead.

Write a Song: Create a tune or rap/beatbox that helps you remember the Memory Verse “For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.” - 1 Corinthians 1:25.


River - Bank - Bridge: Link to lesson: Kids must obey the commands of the facilitator
Materials: A long ribbon or rope (or a dividing line of some sort)
Instructions: Kids line up on one side of the rope/ ribbon. One side is designated the river and the other side is designated the bank. Explain to the kids that just like God asked Solomon to obey Him, they will have to obey your commands in this game. If they are unable to obey your commands they will be eliminated. The facilitator shouts out one of three commands, either river, bridge or bank. If the facilitator shouts “river” the kids jump to the side designated river and similarly, if the facilitator shouts “bank”, the kids jump to the side designated bank. If the facilitator shouts “bridge” the kids must jump so that they have one foot on the side of the river and one foot on the side of the bank. The facilitator can give the same command multiple times in a row. If a player jumps when they are not supposed to or fails to jump in an adequate amount of time they are eliminated. (It will be helpful to play a few practice rounds before starting elimination

Draw by Direction: All this activity requires is paper, something to draw with and a great imagination! Someone will need to draw, the other person will explain what they have to draw. You can have more than one person drawing. When explaining what to draw you cannot tell them to ‘draw a house’ instead you could say ‘draw a triangle and below the triangle draw a square’. To make it trickier the person explaining what needs to be drawn cannot look at what is being drawn and/or the person drawing has to have their eyes closed. Obedience is the key to a masterpiece!
