Bible Reference:

1 Kings 10:1-13

Lesson Aim:

To tell the children about how people like the Queen of Sheba came to visit King Solomon and hear about his wisdom. His wisdom was sought after by many over many years. God has generously given Solomon wisdom. To show the children that Jesus was an even better and wiser King than Solomon because he is God’s son.

Main Message:

King Solomon was so wise that when the Queen of Sheba asked him all the questions she could think of, King Solomon answered them all.


For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength. 1 Corinthians 1:25

Lesson Options


Helping It Stick

Choose from these activities to enjoy with your kids to help repeat and consolidate the Main Message from this part of the bible.


Wisdom is Better than Gold: The Queen of Sheba certainly wanted to listen to Solomon’s Wisdom and travelled a long way to hear it. Use the templates at this link to make your own reminder that God’s wisdom is better than gold.

Queen of Sheba: Grab a wooden spoon from the kitchen and decorate it as a Queen and use it during lesson time.


Kids Church Music: Jesse and Josh from the HBC Kids Mag Team have put together a set of 4 songs for younger kids to enjoy, just like old times but in your lounge room!
Click here to sing and dance with Jesse and Josh.

Song: “The Wisdom Song” Check out his catchy song.

Write a Song: Create a tune or rap/beatbox that helps you remember the Memory Verse “For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.” - 1 Corinthians 1:25.


Long Journey: The Queen of Sheba travelled a long way to listen to the wisdom God had given Solomon. Make a list of 10-15 items you might expect to see on a walk around the neighbourhood (eg, bear in a window, basketball hoop, etc), ticking them off on your walk. Maybe visit a different suburb for a change of scenery.

Listening Challenge: Listening is a good skill to practise, especially when we stop and take notice. Head out into the backyard/park or stop along your walk. Sit an listen for 2min, writing down all the different sounds you can hear. Discuss how much more of God’s wisdom you might ‘hear’ when you take the time to stop and listen.
