Bible Reference:

1 Kings 2:1-4

Lesson Aim:

To revise the series of lessons on King David, as well as telling the children of David’s words to King Solomon before he died.

Main Message:

God kept his promise and King David was a great king and David’s son Solomon was the next king. David told King Solomon to obey God.

Memory Verse:

Your house and your kingdom will endure forever before me; your throne will be established forever. 2 Samuel 7:16

Lesson Options


Helping It Stick

Choose from these activities to enjoy with your kids to help repeat and consolidate the Main Message from this part of the bible.



Flip Book: Print the revision pictures from this link and make a summary Flip Book. Get the kids to colour the pics, cut and paste onto card, tie with some ribbon.

What’s Inside My Heart?: A throwback to King David’s anointing, check out this craft idea from Ministry Ark.

Story Cube: Get the kids remembering the different aspects of King David. Print this story cube onto card, cut, paste and roll!


Song: “Open your Ears to God’s Word” - by Colin Buchanan. Why have a go at making a family video and put out the challenge to other families in your FB Community Group.

Song: “The Lord is King” - by Colin Buchanan.

Song: “Isaiah 53:6” by Colin Buchanan. Discuss with kids their sin, and how we also deserve to be punished for our sins - but like David, God has shown us mercy through sending Jesus.

Song: “Have Mercy On Me” - Sovereign Grace Music. Seeking forgiveness from God is what He wants, He is merciful.

Song: “Jesus Is The King” by Emu Kids Music. Jesus is the ultimate king!



Crown Cookies: Bake and decorate some cookies to send to your Kids Leaders! Or send them in to Kids TV / RUSH TV and feature on the show! If you don’t think they’ll last long enough, video the baking & decorating process and send it in via the button on the Home Kids Church homepage.

David’s Dance Dice: As you play with the Story Cube (from CREATIVE ideas above), come up with some cool dance moves for each pic. Take turns rolling the cube/die and bust out your created dance moves.

Water Transfer Relay: The instruction of obeying God was passed on from David to Solomon. Set up a relay in the back yard where each player/team has two buckets set 5m+ apart, one with water and the other empty. For each player/team, make sure they have equal amounts of water in their starting bucket. Using a plastic cup, the challenge is to transfer the water from the full bucket to the empty bucket.

  • [Optional] set a time limit, the player/team with the most water in the empty bucket at the end of the set time wins.

  • [Optional] modify with something different in the buckets if water play is too cold!
