Bible Reference:

2 Samuel 11:1-12:18, Deuteronomy 22:22

Lesson Aim:

To help children realise that although King David was a great king, he also sinned and disobeyed God—he wasn’t a perfect king. God punished David and he forgave David. Jesus, however, obeyed God perfectly as a sacrificial king.

Main Message:

King David disobeyed God. God did not punish King David as he deserved. God forgave King David.

Memory Verse:

Your house and your kingdom will endure forever before me; your throne will be established forever. 2 Samuel 7:16

Lesson Options


Helping It Stick

Choose from these activities to enjoy with your kids to help repeat and consolidate the Main Message from this part of the bible.



Listening Ears: Make a set of these oversized listening ears to help kids remember to listen to God (and parents) so they can obey.

Toy Phone: Create a cardboard phone and let the kids decorate it with stickers, colours, paint - all sorts of fun stuff! Print or write on the top section “Listen to God's word”. The kids could also use this to talk to God as well. Here’s a template from Creative Sunday School Crafts if you would find that helpful.

Phone Holder: Perhaps the phone is the obstacle to listening in your household. Making a cute DIY Phone holder from these suggestions from will give the phone a home while kids (and parents) read the bible and concentrate on listening to God.


Song: “Open your Ears to God’s Word” - by Colin Buchanan. Why have a go at making a family video and put out the challenge to other families in your FB Community Group.

Song: “Isaiah 53:6” by Colin Buchanan. Discuss with kids their sin, and how we also deserve to be punished for our sins - but like David, God has shown us mercy through sending Jesus.

Song: “Have Mercy On Me” - Sovereign Grace Music. Seeking forgiveness from God is what He wants, He is merciful.

Song: “Jesus Is The King” by Emu Kids Music. Jesus is the ultimate king!


“Simon Says”: Not only getting the kids moving and active. Remind them that as they listen to what you are saying they should listen to God's words and obey his words.

Throw away your sin: Everyone can write a sin down on a piece of paper or the younger kids draw a picture of something bad they have done. Once this is done, everyone throws their paper into the bin or sees who can throw it the furthest. Confessing sin is the first step in fostering a heart of repentance.

Burden of sin - challenge the kids to carry something heavy around for a long time, such as a backpack or several bags of canned foods, books etc. Make it a challenge to see who can carry them for the longest (being careful of health and safety of course!). Discuss how this represents the weight of ‘carrying sin’ without forgiveness. Remove the ‘burden’ and discuss how when we ask God for forgiveness, he forgives us and this means we no longer have to bear the ‘weight of sin’
