Bible Reference:

2 Samuel 7

Lesson Aim:

To tell the children about David’s relationship with God—how God made promises to David and how David thanked God.

Main Message:

God made great promises to King David, and King David thanked God, saying how great God is and that God always keeps his promises.


Your house and your kingdom will endure forever before me; your throne will be established forever.
2 Samuel 7:16

Make sure you check out RUSH TV on Fridays for the Memory Verse Challenge!

Lesson Options


Helping It Stick

Choose from these activities to enjoy with your kids to help repeat and consolidate the Main Message from this part of the bible.


Necklace of Thankfulness: Give kids small pieces of coloured paper. Get them to write out on the paper things that they are thankful for. Once they have come up with as many things as they can think of tie their bits of paper on a long piece of string or make a paper chain with the strips of paper using a stapler or tape. .

Jigsaw Puzzle: Create your own jigsaw puzzle using a verse from the passage (eg. 2 Sam 7:22 or 2 Sam 7:28).
Click here for instructions to make your own puzzle

Pocket of Promises: Create an envelope and decorate it with the words ‘God’s Promises’. Use this envelope in the ‘Promises Hunt’ activity below to collect all the promises in. Check out these instructions from for homemade envelopes.


Song: “God’s Promises” by Splash Canyon

Song: “Anchor” by Hillsong Worship

Song: “Desert Song” by Hillsong Worship

Want to play more music around the home?
Check out the “Songs from Gatherings” playlist on HBC Spotify


Thankfulness Walk: Kids are given 5 random letters of the alphabet and they have to find something around the house that starts with that letter that they are thankful for. This can then be related to what David was thankful for (the promises God made to him to establish his kingdom forever). NB: For younger kids, simply have them walk around the house/yard/neighbourhood pointing to things they are thankful for.

‘Pocket of Promises’ Hunt: Use the envelope from the ‘Pocket of Promises’ craft activity above. Hide strips of paper around the house or outside. These strips of paper are to have written on them promises of God eg. God is in control, God won't fail, God forgives, God is good, God is with me, God is watching, God gives everlasting life, God answers prayer. These strips of paper can then be joined together with a stapler or tape to make a paper chain or promises can be stored in the ‘Pocket of Promises’.
