Nov 5th-26th 2023

What is this unit about?

The darkest day the world has ever seen became the brightest day one glorious Sunday morning. After Jesus was unjustly convicted of a crime, He was crucified and His body was placed in a tomb. But on the third day, Jesus rose from the dead, defeating sin and death and rising again as the conquering King.

Why is this important for our kids?

Kids (and adults) can feel disillusioned when they are aware of repeated sins. “I just can’t help it”, some kids will say. That Jesus conquered death and sin in His resurrection reassures us that we too will have final victory over sin. More than that, we can with the Spirit’s help have victory over sin now, and we always have forgiveness of sin when we fail. This is the grace we want kids to learn, but not take for granted as a justification for delighting in sin.

Big Picture Question

How is Jesus the perfect King?
Jesus perfectly rules over the universe as the King of kings.

Key Passage/Memory Verse

All creatures in heaven, on earth, under the earth, and on the sea were speaking.
The whole creation was speaking. I heard all of them say,

“Praise and honor belong
to the one who sits on the throne and to the Lamb!
Glory and power belong to God for ever and ever!”
Revelation 5:13 NIrV

At-Home Resources

Click these links to access the digital content from the kids’ lessons,
along with family discussion questions and activities.

27.1: Jesus Was Put on Trial (Matthew 26–27; Mark 14–15; Luke 22–23; John 18)

27.2: Jesus Was Crucified (Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23–24; John 19–20)

27.3: Jesus Was Raised (Matthew 27–28; Mark 15–16; Luke 23–24; John 19–20)

27.4: Jesus Is Our Perfect King (Colossians 1)

More Kids Discipling Resources

Sing-Along Videos, Book Reviews and more, click below.
