Sept 3rd - Oct 1st, 2023

What is this unit about?

The gospel story unfolds through Jesus’ death and resurrection. Jesus - our perfect Prophet, Priest, and King - rose on the third day. The final days of Jesus’ ministry on earth showed how He is the true Redeemer who rescues us from sin. As the final days of Jesus’ earthly ministry drew near and His rejection was at hand, He continued to warn all who would listen to turn from sin and trust in Him. Failing to believe in Jesus and to love God has consequences.

Why is this important for our kids?

It is becoming uncommon for kids to have consequences for their choices and actions. The grace of the gospel shows us we are always forgiven for sin, a rejection of God and this grace he freely gives will have eternal consequences for us all. Let’s guide our kids hearts towards their loving heavenly father who, in His mercy, has not left us in our sin.

Big Picture Question

How is Jesus the perfect Prophet?
Jesus perfectly reveals God the Father and fulfills what the prophets spoke.

Key Passage/Memory Verse

The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me.
He will be one of your own people. You must listen to him.

Deuteronomy 18:15 NIrV

At-Home Resources

Click these links to access the digital content from the kids’ lessons,
along with family discussion questions and activities.

25.1: People Welcomed Jesus as King
(Matthew 21; Mark 11; Luke 19; John 12)

25.2: Leaders Wanted to Trick Jesus (Matthew 22)

25.3: Jesus Warned about Not Loving (Matthew 23)

25.4: Jesus Warned about Not Acting (Matthew 25)

25.5: Jesus Is Our Perfect Prophet (Deuteronomy 18)

More Kids Discipling Resources

Sing-Along Videos, Book Reviews and more, click below.
