Sept 4th - 25th, 2022

What is this unit about?

Solomon’s sin of idolatry had led to the kingdom splitting in two. Just as the people were divided against each other, so were they divided against God as they continued to try to worship the one true God along with the false gods around them. As a result, God raised up prophets to speak on His behalf and warn the people to worship Him alone.

Why is this important for our kids?

Our hearts were made to worship and love God. But because of sin, we allow other things to take God’s place in our hearts. The Bible has many examples of people who committed idolatry, but idolatry is not a sin of the past. Kids, too, struggle with idolatry today by loving and valuing other things more than God. Through Jesus, we can turn away from idols and turn back to God.

Big Picture Question

Idolatry is a sin of the heart in which we love and value something else above God.

Key Passage/Memory Verse

Israel, listen to me. The Lord is our God. The Lord is the one and only God.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.
Love him with all your strength. Deut 6:4-5 (NIrV)

Sing-Along Videos for this Unit

Join along at home using these songs with actions and lyrics. We’ll be singing these songs each week as we are reminded that although we do sin by making other things more important than God, He does change little by little to love Him more.
