Bible Reference:

Matthew 13:44

Lesson Aim:

To help children understand that King Jesus is not just the king but he is our king.  Illustrate the importance and the supreme worth of being part of God’s kingdom through the retelling of the parable of the Hidden Treasure.

Main Message:

King Jesus wants to be our king. When Jesus is our king we are part of God’s kingdom. Being part of God’s kingdom is more important than all the things we have here on earth—it is like treasure!

Lesson Options


Helping It Stick

Choose from these activities to enjoy with your kids to help repeat and consolidate the Main Message from this part of the bible.


Treasure Box Fun : Make a treasure box from paper and pieces of jewel stickers. Discuss what the kingdom of God is like and how God’s kingdom is the greatest treasure in the world.

Map Fun: Make a map with the treasure at the end being the kingdom of heaven. Talk about practical ways children can follow and obey Jesus the King. 

Hidden Treasure: Hide some small items in a container of rice. Quickest to find them all wins! At the end of the activity, pray and thank God for Jesus our King and greatest treasure. 

Build a Treasure Chest: Make a treasure box out of craft sticks with instructions from Gifts of Discuss how being a part of God’s the kingdom is more important than all the things on earth.


Follow our King: Play follow the leader, reminding us that Jesus is our king and we should follow him.

Digging for Treasure: Dig some treasure in the backyard. Make a map and get the kids to find it.   Thank God that we can look forward to heaven.

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Sing Along:

The Greatest Treasure  with Colin Buchanan 

Jesus Is the Mighty Mighty King  with Colin Buchanan

Kids Church Music: All four recordings by the Kids Mag Team have been collated onto the one webpage, cycle through them and enjoy over and over!

Click Here for the HBC Kids Music Videos

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