Bible Reference:

1 Samuel 17:1-51

Lesson Aim:

To tell the children about David and Goliath and to emphasise that God was with David—it was actually God who won the battle.

Main Message:

God was with David—God made David win and kill Goliath.

Lesson Options


Helping It Stick

Choose from these activities to enjoy with your kids to help repeat and consolidate the Main Message from this part of the bible.

Pop-Stick Catapult

Pop-Stick Catapult


Slingshot Craft: Stick cut straws, paddlepop sticks or small twigs from the garden onto paper for the slingshot. Use string or thread to create the slingshot between them. If not available, can draw the string between the slingshot. For stones, scrunched up newspaper or cut out coloured circles and glue onto the page underneath the slingshot.

Pop-Stick Catapults: While not the same type used by David, kids will have fun with these catapults for days. Find the details at



Song: “My God is So Big” by Colin Buchanan. 

Reinforces that ‘there’s nothing that God cannot do’ and also that God is strong and mighty, much more strong than the giant Goliath

Song: “A King Like God” by Ben Pakula

An album suited to older kids, MASTERPLAN is a great way to learn biblical theology through songs. Ben’s rock style is best played loud!



Scavenger Hunt: Find 6 small stones and 6 small sticks. Arrange the sticks into a slingshot shape on the ground and put the stones into a paper bag labelled “David’s Stones” to show that this is all David used to defeat Goliath. It was God who enabled David to defeat Goliath, not David’s prowess with the sling.

Goliath Toss Game: Set up a target 5 metres away. Use hacky sacks, soft balls, balled socks or something soft and throwable to land in the target (could be a bucket, circle of rope, etc). David had practised defending against wild animals as a shepherd, but trusted in God’s salvation to defeat Goliath rather than his own skills.
For extra holiday project fun, make your own game of “Corn Hole” if there are adults to use power tools. There’s a DIY Vid here.
