Bible Reference:

Matthew 26:3-4, 57-66; 27:32-40, 50, 57-61; 28:1-10

Lesson Aim:

To tell the children about Jesus’ death, emphasising that he didn’t stay dead but is alive. Please understand that we don’t dwell on the details of Jesus’ death, just the fact that he died. We want to emphasize the fact that the sad story has a happy end.

Main Message:

God’s Son, Jesus, died, but he didn’t stay dead—he’s alive!

Lesson Options


Helping It Stick

Choose from these activities to enjoy with your kids to help repeat and consolidate the Main Message from this part of the bible.



Empty Easter Tomb Garden Craft: This will keep you all well engaged for days to come as you watch the grass grow! Check out the instructions at


Make a diorama: Start with a shoe or cereal box. Choose from 1. Create a 3D scene of the angel speaking over the 2 Marys or 2. Create a scene with the disciples all returning to worship Jesus, the risen King. Find grass, leaves, stones to build the scene. Use Lego characters, draped in fabric for eastern style clothing. Label with speech clouds using words from Matthew 28: 5-10.

Empty Cup/Tomb: Here’s a link to a simple craft kids can use as they sing the songs below, ‘raising’ Jesus from the tomb at the right part of the song. Find the details at


He Lives! (An Easter Song) by Colin Buchanan

He died upon the cross

The Lord is King - at Home with Colin


Blanket Forts: Build a makeshift rocky tomb in your lounge/dining room. Using a table, drape with a blanket leaving an opening for a doorway. Add large boxes, pillows and cushions, smaller boxes on top. Wrap a teddy/Jesus in a blanket. Jiggle & wriggle the tomb like an earthquake. Bring Teddy out triumphantly, He is risen! Shine a torch for the angel of the Lord’s brilliant light. Angel’s words Matthew 28:5-7. Have 2 dollies for two Marys run to fetch other household members. Call out Jesus’ words in Matthew 28:9-10.

The Easter Tomb Garden craft (above) is also a great tactile activity.
