
Welcome to Unichurch

Sunday 29th September, 2024

6:30pm unichurch


Welcome to Unichurch

Sunday 29th September, 2024

6:30pm unichurch

I’m New

Questions about Christianity?



欢迎   selamat datang   환영합니다   Bienvenidos   स्वागत हे   Malo e lelei   ကြိုဆိုပါ၏   karibu   أهلا بك   Chào Mừng   Ki ora

We’re so glad you’ve joined us! Each week at church we open the Bible, hear a talk, pray, sing, spend time in community, and hear stories from people of how Jesus has changed their lives.

Wherever you’ve come from, whatever language is your mother tongue, we are glad you came today. The Bible is a book for everyone, and it was not originally written in English!

Find a Bible translation in your language


Talk Outline

From Bad to Worse

Richard Sweatman on Genesis 4.

A world gone mad...

The spread of sin and death:

  • Cain
  • Lamech
  • The sons of God and daughters of humans
  • Human wickedness

Hints of grace

  • Enoch
  • Noah
  • The blood of Jesus

Sin and grace in the world


Weekly Links


If you call HBC your church, we’d love for you to partner with us financially in the work of the gospel.

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