We believe Jesus is the most significant person in history and that life is all about him.

2000 years ago he came to earth, put on flesh, died on a cross, and rose again three days later so that we could know and enjoy God forever.

Jesus says this is “life to the full.” Life as it was meant to be.

That’s why he’s at the centre of everything we do as a church, and it’s why we’d love to help you discover who he is for yourself.

If you would like to check out who Jesus is, the solid evidence for the Bible, or to ask any of your questions, then we would love to invite you to a five-week course called The Life Series.


The Life Series

The Life Series is a relaxed environment to explore life with Jesus, ask your questions, investigate the claims of the Bible, and share your point of view.

Enjoy friendly, genuine conversation with a group of people who are looking for truth, just like you.

Everyone is welcome, no matter what age, or background or religion.


Got Questions About Christianity?

Here’s a little taste of the kind of things you’ll hear at The Life Series.