Try Life

The Life Series is a relaxed environment to explore life with Jesus, ask your questions, investigate the claims of the Bible, and share your point of view.

Enjoy friendly, genuine conversation with a group of people who are looking for truth, just like you.

Whether you're just checking it out, brand new to Christianity, or finding your way back to church, you're invited to try Life for yourself!


What to Expect

Over five relaxed sessions we lay it all on the table; why our lives feel empty, why you can trust the Bible, what the real problem is, and how Jesus changes everything.

Week 1: What am I here for?
Week 2: Is the Bible reliable?
Week 3: What’s the problem?
Week 4: What’s the solution?
Week 5: What's the catch?

There’s one more thing… we think this is more than just interesting information. We think Jesus is someone who can change your life and your eternity.

Watch Matt and Sue’s Story


Sign up

Our upcoming LIFE Series:

Thursday 8th August, Thursday 15th August, Thursday 22nd August, Thursday 29th August & Thursday 5th September 2024
HBC City Venue - 259 King St, Newcastle


How It Works

Welcome and Introductions

Arrive and be welcomed by our team. Grab a coffee, have a seat and get to know the people on your table.

Hear a short talk

Each week of the Life Series features a 25-minute talk. These talks are designed to outline the basic message of Christianity in a simple and clear fashion. They address some big questions, such as who is Jesus? Why is Jesus’ death important? And how can we trust the Bible?

Discuss the questions that matter to you

This is the real highlight of the session. At your table, you will be able to discuss questions that matter to you with a friend and your table host. This is a space where you can openly share your thoughts about faith and life and hear from others in your group. Speak as much or as little as you like; it's up to you.

Live Q&A

To finish the session, the Life Series host and speaker will discuss any questions that remained unresolved from your discussion table. This is a great chance to get a second opinion or to just clarify things. There is no such thing as a dumb question!


Got Questions About Christianity?

Here’s a little taste of the kind of things you’ll be hearing at the Life Series.


What is a Christian?

This is one of those questions you can answer many ways. A Christian is a forgiven sinner, an undeserving child.

You can check out a great explanation of what Christians believe here: Two Ways to Live.

If you want to understand what we believe as a church, check out What We Believe.


Ask Us Anything

There are no dumb questions! And we’re not afraid of the hard ones. If it’s important to you, then it’s important to us. We’d love to show you what God says in the Bible about everything and anything.

Bring your questions along with you or let us know directly by emailing them to