May 28th - June 25th 2023

What is this unit about?

During His earthly ministry, Jesus performed a number of amazing miracles. He calmed storms, healed sickness, fed multitudes, and more. Each miracle was done out of compassion for people, but also to prove that He is the Son of God.

Why is this important for our kids?

It is easy to reflect on Jesus as meek and mild, but when kids understand the power Jesus had (and still has) to calm storms, heal the sick and to ultimately beat death, they are getting a much bigger picture of who Jesus is. Keep expanding your kids’ view of who Jesus is!

Big Picture Question

Is Jesus God or a human?

As the Son of God, Jesus is both fully God and fully human.

Key Passage/Memory Verse

No one has ever seen God.
But the One and Only is God and is at the Father’s side.
The one at the Father’s side has shown us what God is like.
John 1:8 NIrV

At-Home Resources

Click these links to access the digital content from the kids’ lessons,
along with family discussion questions and activities.

22.1: Jesus Calmed a Storm (Matthew 8; Mark 4; Luke 8)

22.2: Jesus Healed and Forgave (Matthew 9; Mark 2; Luke 5)

22.3: Jesus Healed Sickness (Matthew 9; Mark 5; Luke 8)

22.4: Jesus Fed Many People (Matthew 15; Mark 8)

22.5: Jesus’ Miracles Prove He Is God (John 14)

More Kids Discipling Resources

Sing-Along Videos, Book Reviews and more, click below.
