Title: A.S.K. Real World Questions/Real Word Answers

Author: David Robertson

I first heard about this book from a podcast in 2019. I’d got a lot out of David Robertson’s previous appearances on this podcast and other material of his, so when they had him on to discuss this book, I ordered a copy straight away. My three kids were 9, 12 and 14 at that stage, and this seemed a great tool to help me engage them and discuss some biblical approaches to these important questions as they grew older.

We all have questions about Jesus, the Bible, the Christian faith and our culture today. The great news is that Jesus gives answers. These 52 questions were gathered from teenagers in fifteen countries in five different continents. All of them are real questions from real teenagers.

One of it’s strong points is that the questions are genuine. They come from a variety of teenagers from a variety of cultures, and not just thought up by adults. Also, having over 50 questions, and the way the book was laid out, meant I could give each of my kids a copy so they could flick through it and find questions that were interesting or relevant to them. We’d the go through the short “chapter” together and this would usually result in us going off on some interesting tangents as well.

As each “answer” involves reading a passage of scripture, it’s helped me maintain regular bible reading with my kids as well as tackling many social and cultural issues they are facing or will face in the future.

I’d recommend it for anyone who wants their high school aged kids to have bible based and gospel centred answers to these tough questions. It’s written at a level such that teenagers could pick up the book and read it for themselves, but I’d encourage parents to read it with them to foster relationships, to see what other questions arise, and to encourage further discussion.

- Rhys, Dad to 3 teenagers

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