At HBC we invite kids to join us in church from Year 6. So at the end of Year 5 we want to help them make this change by know what church is all about, and what to experience and give them a chance to ‘dip their toes in the water’.

The rest of this page outlines this 3-week strategy and provides resources for parents and our Kids Church leaders to smooth the way.

Week 1

  • Start in Kids Church, introducing them to the changes ahead, 

  • Watch and discuss the videos from our Senior, Magnification and Membership Pastors about what to expect in church,

  • Bring them in to experience the tail end of church, including singing. 


  1. What does Jesus want for us as a church?

  2. Re-read any bible verses mentioned in the videos

  3. Why do we sing in church? What other ways can we show Jesus He is our most important relationship?

  4. How can we be friends to each other at church? How might remembering our first weeks in church help us welcome other new Youth on a Sunday?

NEXT WEEK: Meet out the front of church with Leader and sit together (up the back) for the first part of church.

Week 2

  • Meet together outside (with Kids Church Leaders) before church, experiencing the pre-church vibes

  • Join the start of church, sitting together before heading out to Kids Church before the sermon. 

  • Discuss experiences so far before watch videos from our Mission and Ministry Pastors

    • How was your experience of the start of church? What was interesting? What was different to what you expected?

    • How did you see people being welcoming to others, including new people?



  1. Re-read any bible verses mentioned in the videos

  2. What things did you notice about church that would be helpful for someone who had never been to ANY church before - they don’t know Jesus as their saviour (yet)?

  3. What ways did you see people serving Jesus by serving each other?

NEXT WEEK: Start in Kids church classroom again, will join church for the sermon.

Week 3

  • Start in Kids Church, discuss again their experiences so far and watch a video from our Maturity pastor. 

    • Re-read any bible verses mentioned in the video.

    • How does God want us to grow as a follower of Jesus?

    • What methods does God use to grow us?

  • Give each person a YOUTH Note-taking booklet (from the Connect Point), discuss how note-taking is helpful when listening to a bible talk.

  • Read the passage of today’s sermon and discuss what they think God wants us to learn from it,

  • Join us in church for the sermon, take notes, 

  • Leave with Jnr Youth and join GDG discussion group.


When will kids make the change permanently?

Jan 1 2023 - kids can choose either Kids Church or church.

Jan 8 2023 - kids can choose either Kids Church or church.

Jan 15 2023 - Church with the other Youthies
ALL kids make the jump up to their 2023 Kids Church classes on this Sunday ready for WAVE
