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Growing Kids at HBC


Growing Kids at HBC

We love teaching kids about Jesus

Whether they’re 18 months old or 18 years old, we love teaching kids about Jesus.

Below you’ll find all the info you need as a leader of kid church at HBC.


Upcoming Unit Dates…..

Unit 5: Feb 2 - 23 (4 Sundays)
Unit 6: Mar 2 - 23 (4 Sundays)
Unit 7: Mar 30 - Apr 27 (5 Sundays)

Count me in for an upcoming unit

Every week members from across all HBC congregations come along beside our core leaders to help run Kids Church. It’s usually a 4-5 week stint, fun, do-able and worthwhile. Let us know you’re keen below.

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What’s Involved

All you need to know about growing kids in Jesus

What’s Involved

All you need to know about growing kids in Jesus

So you want to get involved with establishing and growing the faith of little ones that are precious to Jesus?

At Sunday Kids Church there are two main ways people are involved…

Core Kids Leaders
We are at Kids Church most weeks
and develop the best discipling relationships with the kids. We serve as a team and share the discipling responsibilities. We are a part of one congregation and teach kids at another.
We call this “Sit one, Serve one”.

Unit Support Leaders
We join a team for a 4-5 week stint, helping the Core Kids Leaders for a unit of The Gospel Project for Kids. This can be at our own congregation, or at another. We still get alongside the kids in activities and discussion groups but Core Kids Leaders generally do the teaching and organising. This all makes discipling kids fun, doable and worthwhile.

Either which way, get started with the screening and training process using the QUICK LINKS above.

Unit Support FAQs

  • The best discipling happens in relationship with each other - it is why we have consistent Growth Groups and leaders for the year. At Kids Church we already have Core Leaders who are there most weeks to maximise these discipling relationships. Kids Church full of Core Leaders would be the ideal but is yet to be a reality at HBC. Joining these Core Leaders for a teaching block (4-5weeks) provides the next best opportunity for relational discipleship, as well as making it easier for more to be involved. Other benefits include stability for the teaching team for that unit as well as immersing yourself in the teaching content that is designed to be taught in unit blocks. All these result in better outcomes for growing kids.

    Rostering is always an option, but really is not the best one for growing kids - it is like playing "musical GG leaders”. We prefer not to roster or seek one-off fill-in leaders unless absolutely necessary for child safety.

  • By joining the Core Leaders who have established routines and systems, they will include and direct you in ways that are helpful depending on your skills and experience. You’ll be invited along to a Unit Planning session where all this will be worked out together, led by the team leaders. At a minimum you can expect to get alongside the kids in directed activities, craft and small discussion/prayer groups while others teach the lessons.

  • With the new-look Kids Church structure of combined ages, these groups need the stability of routine and leaders. Year-round Unit Support Leaders allows these teams to continue through the school holiday periods. Core Leaders manage their rest/breaks when needed. The old days of sending all the Kids Church leaders off for a break at the same time is no more.

Hear our prayer for the kids and the values we hold as we do it.

Check out the great stuff we get up to


Resources Please

Resources Please


The Gospel Project for Kids
Sunday Teaching Program

The Gospel Project for Kids is a wonderful 3 year program where we learn that Jesus is the centre of the God’s big rescue plan.
Use these resources below to keep teaching the kids all about Jesus.

Kids Church Lessons

Find materials for your Kids Church lessons by clicking the link.

Missionary Partners

Access the latest prayer letters from HBC’s Missionary Partners

Convert Colour to Outline

The Gospel Project lesson activity sheets are in colour. Convert to outline for easier printing.


Team Planning Spreadsheets


Keeping Parents In-The-Loop

Raising kids to know and trust Jesus “takes a village”. We link parents in each teaching unit with a summary, the Big Picture Q+A, the key passage and access to all the lesson videos so families can recap together what we’ve been learning about God’s Salvation plan. A few good book reviews are also thrown in the mix too.

More Team Member Resources

Use these links to access other great stuff to help your time with the kids be enjoyable.

15 Tips for ‘No Horsing About’ - simple classroom practises to help your time with the kids be more enjoyable by getting to know them, and setting good expectations with them

Loving Through Discipline - steps to take when the kids have other ideas than following directions

Safe Ministry Screening

15 Group Games with Kids - Need to run a quick activity, try one of these?

Printable Timeline Cards - make a game of learning the bible timeline with these cards

Kids Church Role Descriptions - Growing kids at Kids Church involves Teams of Teams. Understanding your part helps you go hard for Jesus.


Leading a Team

Leading a Team


Has anyone told you you’re amazing?

Leading a team is a huge responsibility, we appreciate the time and effort you are going to in seeing kids grown to know and love Jesus.
These resources are designed to help you do this well.

There are a load of details and processes in and arounds Kids Church. They’re continually being updated for improvements, with many changes happening in 2024. Make sure you know all about them.

Team Planning Spreadsheets