Beyond Sundays
At-Home Resources
This is the Teaching Curriculum used in HBC Kids Church. See the full list of past units, along with book reviews and other things worth considering as you seek to bring your child up in the training and instruction in the Lord.
Sing-Along Videos
Learn the songs kids are singing in Kids Church There’s a full playlist of songs with actions and words
Kids Church Blog
Here you’ll find a variety of articles designed to encourage you in raising your kids to know and love Jesus.
Kids TV
Stories, games, fun and Bible learning for kids all on our YouTube channel. Seasons one and two filmed during COVID lockdowns have wrapped up, go and catch all the episodes!
Aimed at 2-7 year olds
Aimed at 8–11 year olds
We want your feedback!
If there are things that have worked well for you or things that could be improved, we’d love to know about it. Please email us at
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me”, but does this mean all children are saved? What about stillborn children? What about rebellious teenagers from Christian homes? What about children with no believing parents, or only one believing parent? This article seeks to bring together and understanding of God’s character and the Gospel of grace through Jesus to help us think theologically about children.