• Tahlee Conference Centre (map)
  • 31 Church Street
  • Tahlee, NSW, 2324
  • Australia

A camp for international students

Get away for the weekend, away from the books, away from the city, and enjoy the beautiful surrounds of Tahlee! Make new friends, hang out around the campfire, eat delicious food, enjoy music, and make some great memories!

Discover what Bible has to say about true friendship.

2pm Friday 12th — 12pm Sunday 14th April, 2024
Tahlee Conference Centre and Campground
(45 mins from UoN)
Cost: $65 for first-time, $20 for Saturday only and $75 for others!

All international students welcome!


AllNations is part of Unichurch, the church that meets on campus. We love getting together with food, friends and learning more about Jesus from the Bible.