• HBC Garden Suburb (map)
  • 10 Reserved Rd
  • Garden Suburb, NSW, 2289
  • Australia

At Hunter Bible Church we think marriages are a great blessing from God and we really want to value them! It's good to occasionally take stock and think about how we can invest in our marriages so they better glorify God and encourage us in loving each other.

Is it time to give your marriage a tune up? Keith and Sarah Condie have many years of experience in pastoring and psychology, respectively. They have designed this biblically-based and practical course to benefit couples.

The course consists of five sessions, the first two will be held face-to-face and the rest will be online.

Sessions 1 + 2: Saturday 21st September, 1:30-6pm, HBC Garden Suburb

Sessions 3, 4 + 5: Saturday 30th November, 1:30-6pm, Online

The price for the course is $30 per couple.

Contact dave@hunterbiblechurch.org with any questions you have