Jesus Changes People 

Ryan & Amelia’s Story

Hear what Ryan and Amelia’s experience was like joining a new community of people united in Jesus.

Sam’s Story

Sam shares how meeting Jesus and understanding the enormity of what he did on the cross has changed her life, and given her something of far greater worth than what our culture can offer.


Matt and Sue’s Story

Hear the difference Jesus has made to the lives of Matt and Sue and their family.

Richard and Veronica’s Story

Hear of God's work in the lives of Richard and Veronica as they share about Richard's diagnosis and their reason to continue giving thanks.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” — Ephesians 1:3


Jason’s Story

Meet Jason and hear how Jesus changed the entire direction of his life.

Jess’ Story

“I didn't just get God, I got a whole great big church family as well.”


Guest Story: Dave McDonald

Dave shares his battle with cancer and the firm hope he has in Jesus.

Rob’s Story

Rob shares his experience as a GP during the Coronavirus pandemic. He reflects on the death of his father and the hope won for us in Christ.