Some Hunter Bible Church (HBC) members enter into SRE teaching arrangements with other churches/Approved Providers in the Newcastle and Lake Macquarie area to provide Christian Special Religious Education (SRE) in selected NSW public schools including but not limited to:

  • New Lambton Public School

  • Lambton Public School

  • Belair Public School

  • Cardiff South Public School

  • Garden Suburb Public School

  • Wallsend South Public School

Hunter Bible Church is an Approved Provider of SRE in NSW schools.

Approved teachers of SRE from Hunter Bible Church are authorised by a staff member and have been deemed to:

  • have a personal faith in Jesus,

  • be actively growing in their faith through regular attendance at church and Bible Study groups,

  • understand and have the ability to communicate the basic tenets of the Christian faith,

  • display character traits necessary to engage children and/or teens in lessons from the bible.

Approved teachers of SRE from Hunter Bible Church:

  • are identified by name and association with HBC by wearing name badges whenever on school grounds and provide the school with their name and contact details.

  • have verified NSW Working with Childrens Checks (WWCC) and have completed Safe Ministry Training where they agree to a code of conduct in line with NSW DoE Code of Conduct.

  • have been advised of their duty and given a strategy for carrying out any necessary Mandatory Reporting.

  • have been trained and receive regular ongoing training in classroom management strategies, understanding the authorised curriculum, delivering the curriculum with sensitivity and age-appropriate activities and using classroom technology.

  • have their SRE teaching practises reviewed by way of teacher self-reflection, classroom observation, mentor support and adherence to the authorised curriculum. This teacher review process will guide the focus for ongoing teacher training and the topics identified will be included in the annual assurance to the department.

  • keep dated written records of curriculum lessons and activities designed to meet these learning outcomes.

SRE teachers from HBC will use the GODSPACE curriculum in Primary Schools, especially when SRE is provided in a combined arrangement with other Authorised Providers, to provide a consistent learning curriculum for students as they progress through their learning stages. The Scope and Sequence for this can be found at the following link:

GodSpace (2025 Green) Scope and Sequence
(last accessed 29 November 2024)

GodSpace (2024 Yellow) Scope and Sequence
(last accessed 8th December 2023)

SRE teachers in High Schools will use the THINK FAITH curriculum which can be accessed from this link:

Think Faith Scope and Sequence
(last accessed 8th December 2023)

To find out further information about the content of lessons, which curriculum is being taught at a particular school or to ask questions about what your child is learning in SRE please make enquiries to info@hunterbiblechurch.org with the school your child attends and his/her SRE teacher’s name. A reply can be expected within 5-10 working days.

The curriculum and processes of SRE teaching by members of Hunter Bible Church are reviewed at least every 5 years.