Safe Ministry Leader Screening

We believe that Churches need to take responsibility to care for the vulnerable in our congregations and programs.

If you’ve been invited to have a ministry responsibility for people (eg, Band/GG/Team Leading) we want you to undertake particular screening to support your suitability for your role, and awareness of how to conduct yourself in an appropriate manner. As a leader, we also want you to know who to talk to should you notice any unsafe practises and/or situations.

If your ministry role involves direct supervision of children/teens and you are 18+, then we also require you to obtain a NSW Working with Childrens Check. Otherwise you can skip straight to Step 3.


1. Apply for a NSW WWCC

If you're going to be working with Children, you are required by law to apply for a NSW Working with Children Check Number.

It's easy to apply online here. Fill out your details and submit.


2. Take your Application to a Service NSW

Once you get your Application Number (starting with “APP”), take it to a Service NSW Centre to verify your identity.

They will verify your identity and after a few days they will email you a new WWCC Number (Starting with “WWC”).


3. Complete or Update your online Safe Ministry Screening

After you've got your Working with Children Check number, go to the HBC Online Safe Ministry Check website here.

You’ll be asked to register yourself with HBC Safe Ministry Check with your name, DOB and contact details. Once logged in, you will need to complete the safe ministry check course. If you currently have a role with children you will be asked to provide details of two character referees and your WWCC details (if applicable). 

Completing this training only takes about 30mins, but it gives you all the information you need to help keep vulnerable people safe (as well as fulfil our legal obligations as a church).

If you have any questions, please speak to your ministry team leader or email