We love our Maturity Team and the work they do in helping us grow, especially through Growth Groups. This page contains various resources for our Maturity Team, including Growth Group leaders.
Large Group Training Manual 2022 -A guide to leading a large group of 20-25 people. Video links included.
More resources to come.
L2 Job Description - The one page description of the L2 ministry.
L2 / Group Leader Check-In Guide - A simple guide for what to cover when L2s meet with their leaders.
L2 / Group Leader Check-In Plans and Progress - A tool to help you stay disciplined with your leader check-ins. A good thing to share with your Maturity Champ.
L2 Guide for Visiting Groups - a simple guide to help L2s make the most out of a group visit.
For more detail with group leader catch ups, there is the L2 Catch up conversation scaffold designed by a former L2. See also the Guidelines for L2 catch up conversation.
Appointing and Reappointing Growth Group Leaders - a three page policy and guide for this important part of building the Maturity Team.
Maturity Champ Position Description - A brief outline of what the role involves.
Appointing and Leading L2s - A guide to appointing and leading L2s throughout the year.
Maturity Champ / L2 Check-in Guide - A simple guide for what to cover with when you meet with L2s
These videos, produced by our Membership team are designed to help group leaders care for their members. Some of the presenters would like to not be visible to the public and thus, these videos have been password protected. Please contact maturity@hunterbiblechurch.org if you would like to view them.
Home Grown Faith podcast - Apple Podcasts, Spotify
The Maturity Podcast – bite-sized tips for Growth Group leaders from Richard and Dave
Being a Small Group Leader by Richard Sweatman. A short book on the basics of being a small group leader
Writing a Small Group Study by Richard Sweatman. A step by step approach to actually writing a study.