Hey everyone! I’m Dili, and I'm excited to share that I’ll be starting a two-year MTS apprenticeship at Hunter Bible Church in 2025!

This past year, I’ve had the privilege of joining the HBC staff team to lead our design team, which has been an incredible reminder of just how thankful I am that Jesus has saved me from sin and death, giving me eternal life with Him. At the same time, it’s clear that so many people don’t yet know this truth. Through MTS, I’m looking forward to diving deeper into the Bible, learning to disciple others, and finding new ways to serve, all with the hope of seeing more people come to know and follow Jesus.

This journey won’t be easy, and I’d love you to pray for me as I step into this role—pray that God will continue to grow my heart for Him and give me endurance for the challenges ahead.

Donations to Dili’s MTS Apprenticeship are made through the Ministry Training Strategy Pty Ltd and are Tax-Deductible.


Target: $54,000 before end of 2026