Hey! Across 2025 and 2026 we'll both be doing a full-time ministry apprenticeship with Hunter Bible Church.

I (Josh) have been working as a high school teacher and I've enjoyed this job. Over the years, I've had a growing sense of awe that Jesus died for a sinner like me, is alive today reigning as King and offers everyone forgiveness. I'm convinced that this gospel is the best news anyone can ever hear, so I love spending time sharing this news with others and working hard for the sake of this gospel.

I (Bridget) am currently finishing up my Occupational Therapy degree at uni, which I have really enjoyed and there is a great need for more OTs. But I believe that there is a greater need for people to hear about a hope beyond death, a hope that is secure and brings true joy. And that hope is Jesus. People need to know this and it is a privilege that God chooses to use us as part of His plan. So I want to work faithfully for God’s plans, not my own.

For these reasons, we've decided to leave our jobs and commit to working for church full-time, being trained up for gospel ministry. Thank you for partnering with us both, we appreciate your prayers and support.

Prayer Points

  • Thank God for his love demonstrated through Jesus' death and resurrection.

  • Pray that God uses MTS to grow us in godliness 

  • Ask that God uses MTS to train us up for a lifetime of serving Jesus

  • Pray for the people across Newcastle and Lake Mac who don't yet know and love Jesus, ask that God save them!

  • Pray for us and our marriage, that we love each other well while both stepping into full-time ministry.

Donations to Josh and Bridget’s MTS Apprenticeship go directly towards covering their wages for the two years of ministry and are not tax-deductible.


Target: $120,000 before end of 2026