Hi Church Family,
A few big things going on in my life – just thought I’d share an update.
Among other things, over the past 12 months I’ve been working through some health issues. I decided to take long service leave just to have some fun and recover a little. Long service leave was SO great. I listened to lots of sermons from 2 Corinthians – very spiritually refreshing to be reminded of God's power through our weakness. I also enjoyed a special holiday with my sister on the Sunshine Coast, my mum and brother both came to visit, and I road-tripped to Perth and back (my mum came with me on the way back). I had an amazing time exploring the dog beaches of Perth (yes, I took my dog with me!) and the pastry scene too (SO many recommendations if you’re planning a trip to WA). The Long service leave also gave me some space and time to think through how to best deal with some of the things I'd been wrestling with before leave.
After lots of prayerful consideration, I’ve decided to take extended leave from full time ministry for the next 6-12 months. God has been growing me through this time to trust in His power and grace, and I'm thankful for this lesson. I have been so loved by so many people, particularly my mum, sister, brothers, friends, and the staff team.
You might be wondering what this leave looks like:
I’m still part of our church, and part of the Garden Suburb PM congregation. This is a time of rest for which I’m thankful to God, and I consider it a privilege to be a regular church member under our staff’s leadership and teaching.
I’m going to miss hanging with the staff team SO MUCH. I’ve known many of them since 2004 - this team are my close friends, members of my spiritual family. I absolutely love each of them, and can without a doubt say that I love being united with them in our mission to see 30000 in Newy and Lake Mac be given to Jesus, just a start. Please pray for them amidst this change.
I’m still leading my awesome Growth Group (I love those women!)
I’ll still be training Josie in Harvest Leadership. She is so precious to me.
I’m going to step back from being an MTS Trainer for the time being.
I’m going to get a part-time non-ministry job because I think that’ll be good for me to be working a little during this season. The staff team offered (multiple times!) for this leave to be paid leave. But I don’t want that. God has kindly provided amply for my financial needs, He's so good.
I’m excited to see what God does around Newy and Lake Mac in the next 6-12 months. Praying for lots of new people to join as we launch the new Garden Suburb site, and another City congregation. I’m excited to be part of it.
With love ️❤️ Jo